Friday, August 26, 2011

Writing my First Book

I just received the proof of my first book, It's In Your Face, The True You Revealed, from the printer! I'm almost afraid to look at it for fear that I will want to change things. At this stage, my job is to simply look at their layout and make sure that the words and pictures are straight, that the paragraphs line up and that the book is ready to print.

I never knew that the process of writing and creating a book could be fun. Based on my first experience, I can tell any prospective author several things:

~ Stay true to yourself, your writing style and your message.
~ Find someone who can brainstorm with you to allow the flow of thoughts and words.
~ Have fun with it even on days when the thoughts dry up.
~ If you are self-publishing, get quotes from several printers.
~ Have a marketing plan ready.
~ Let people know ahead of time that you have a book coming out. Get them as excited as you are!

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