Monday, March 25, 2013

5 Reasons To look In The Mirror

A mirror can be your best friend.What?

Get out a mirror right now and follow along with me as I take you on a tour of your wonderful, unique face. You are looking at your gifts, your talents, your personality, your communication style, your stress management skills, your resume, your true nature. Your story is written on your face and it is your story to tell.

  1. Look at the size of your irises - the colored part of the eye. The larger the irises, the greater your emotional response to life. You laugh more, cry more, experience life more. Many people may have attempted to tone you done. Don't let them. This is who you are. The smaller the iris, the more emotionally restricted you have been. Give yourself permission to experience and FEEL life more fully. It will be a wonderful gift that you give yourself.

  2. Look at the space between your eyes. Are your eyes close-set with little space between them or are they wide-set with significant space between them? If you have close-set eyes, you are excellent at details and getting
    things done. Your friend, wide-set eyes, can benefit from your ability to focus on what needs to get done. They, on the other hand, are able to see the big picture and help you create a plan for the future. Together, you make the best business partners.

  3. The tip of the nose indicates your degree of trust. Look at your profile. Does the tip of your nose turn up like a ski jump or does it turn down? If the tip of your nose turns up, you are very trusting and enthusiastic in the moment. You are often the cheerleader who encourages others with your
    eager nature. If your nose tip turns down, you have learned healthy skepticism and will accept people and ideas after much thought. You have learned to do your homework and will not rush into something with blind faith.

  4. What does the mirror show you about your lip structures? Are your lips full or thin? This is often a trait that changes over time. Most of us begin life with full upper and lower lips and revel in experiencing life fully and talking, laughing and expressing ourselves without a care for what others think. If your lips have thinned, it is often because of being told to "zip it" and you have learned to just stick to the facts. Why not become more child-like and allow for more self-expression, whether it be with the spoken word or through art, music, photography, dance, writing, etc.

  5. Now let's look at your cheekbones. Draw an imaginary line along the outside of your eyes. Are your cheekbones outside of the line or inside of the line? Cheekbones have to do with adventure. If you have prominent

    cheekbones, you love physical adventure. Even moving furniture around can get you excited. Taking a new road home from work, trying a new exercise routine, anything new is an adventure. If your cheekbones are sunken and inside the imaginary line, you love mental adventures. Reading, studying manuals, gathering new information, searching the web, etc. is an adventure for you. It doesn't mean that you don't enjoy physical experiences, but if you want to regroup when you are stressed, grab a book and settle down and give yourself a mental exploration.
These are just a few facial structures that help define who we are and how we participate in the world. To learn more about buying my book or setting up a consult, go to my website:

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