Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Face Reading and the Highly Sensitive Person

                 "You need to toughen up." "You're so thin-skinned." 

You have probably heard that a million times. And you may have tried hard to toughen up, to no avail. There is a reason for that.

In 1996 Dr. Elaine Aron introduced the concept of the highly sensitive person (HSP) and much has been written about the topic since then. In this article, I want to present some of the physical traits that are often associated with the person who is empathetic or sensitive by nature.

Let's start by looking at the definitions of the word sensitive:


- adjective

1. endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses.
2. readily or excessively affected by external agencies or influences.
3. having acute mental or emotional sensibility; aware of and responsive to the feelings of others.
4. easily pained, annoyed, etc.
5. pertaining to or connected with the senses or sensation.

- noun

1. a person who is sensitive.
2. a person with psychic powers; medium.

The first physical trait to look at is your actual physical insulation, the thickness of the skin (epidermis) which serves to insulate nerve receptors from internal and external environmental input. This relates to the entire body: the epidermis, the linings of the organs and the sheathes of the nervous and circulatory system. They all reflect the same degree of insulation - or lack of it.

People with thin skin are frequently fine-boned, fair-haired and have small pores. Their forehead lines are very light, to the point of being almost unobservable. Their responses to external stimuli are immediate because the thin-skinned person's nerve receptors have very little insulation.

Once you have the awareness that you are thin-skinned, you can begin the process of discovering what to do about it. First, and foremost, you won't grow thick skin! This is innately who you are. This is part of your gift to the world.

Some things to consider:
~ Choose to be responsible for your own physical comfort and well-being;
~ Get to know what situations feel safe for you;
~ Know that less is more in most situations;
~ Take care of yourself;
~ Use your sensitivity, refinement and discernment as a positive in your life.

The second physical trait often associated with the HSP is large irises, the colored part of the eye. Large irises represent emotional expressiveness. You laugh more, cry more, get angrier and happier, sadder and more joyful than most people. You feel more than most. You are what you feel! And, most of your life people have tried to get you to "tone it down."

As a HSP, you will often feel others' pain, anguish and emotion. You have certainly taken it on and felt as if it were yours.

To stay as emotionally healthy as possible with this trait, it is imperative that you have someone or something as a sounding board or release mechanism. That might include talking to a friend or therapist, having body or energy work, exercising, writing in a journal, crafting, dancing, taking a yoga class, singing, doing whatever works for you. Because you feel emotions on a large scale, you want to avoid stuffing or repressing your feelings.

Big energy suppressed can create big physical symptoms.

The third physical trait often seen in the HSP is a short philtrum. This is the muscular groove that leads from the base of the nose to the upper lip. To determine if you have a short philtrum, place your index finger under your nose. If you can barely fit your finger in the space, your philtrum is short. If you can fit one and a half the width of your finger or more, your philtrum is long.

If you have a short philtrum, you are inclined to take things personally. You are extremely vulnerable to others' reactions and opinions and can experience anger when you feel that you have been overlooked or disregarded. You are, however a superior arbiter of taste and style and will often be drawn to fashion, interior design, photography, painting, modeling, costume design, Feng Shui and areas that relate to how things looks. As a result, you take great pride in personal appearance.

To best use a short philtrum as a positive in your life, turn your focus on to your own accomplishments. Set clear goals for yourself and please yourself. Stand in your power. Know how important you are. Manifest your best at whatever you do.

I offer this energy exercise for all people who are sensitive to their environment. It is simple to do and will increase the force field around you and create energetic insulation so that energy bounces off you rather going through you.

1. Place the index and middle finger of one hand in your navel;
2. Place the other hand on your forehead;
3. Take several deep breaths and wait to feel pulsing under your fingers;
4. Switch hands and repeat.

This exercise is a great way to start the day and may be repeated as needed throughout the day.

I believe that 99% of transformation is AWARENESS. Be aware of your sensitivity and honor it. It is a gift and does not need to be changed. Don't waste time trying to toughen up, grow thick skin or control your emotions.Share the essence of you with the rest of the world!

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