Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What's the Deal with Intuition?

Your first language is Extra Sensory Perception or ESP. As babies you naturally trusted your inner knowing, seeing, hearing and feeling. It was part of your survival mechanism and served you well. Young children, even after learning to speak English, French, German, Spanish, etc., still rely on their inner language of awareness.

The actual physical structures of Intuition, Telepathy and Psychic Trend can be found along the midline and back of your head. Let your fingers do the walking along the bumps and ridges on your head and discover where your strengths lie.

If Intuition is your strong suit, you will find a ridge that starts at the turn of the forehead and extends along the midline of the head about halfway back.

Intuition can be defined as the awareness of accurate, visual observation or perception of the big picture.
The Telepathy trait starts about midway back on the Sagital suture of the head and feels like a doming in that area. As you run your hand through that section of your head, you may feel nooks and crannies there, as well. There is nothing wrong with your head! You are simply someone who can receive messages through the senses in the same way that you hear via sound waves. Instead, you are able to know what others are thinking and feeling.

Most of you have experienced a telepathic moment. You think about someone who you haven't talked to in some time and suddenly the phone rings and... voila... it's that very person!

As you work your hands to the back of your head, you may feel a fullness in the occipital area. This is where the Psychic Trend is found. You can see this trait beautifully in the profile of most babies. The back of their heads are extremely

domed. They are attuned to the world around them. Many adults have been able to maintain this ability of being congruent with all time.
5 concepts to keep in mind with any of the Extra Sensory Perception traits:
  1. True intuition is positive. If fear enters the picture, it is NOT intuition.
  2. Trust that you "know what you know" despite what anyone else thinks.
  3. Under stress, ESP is harder to access.
  4. Document your visions, awareness and what you telepath.
  5. No one is 100% accurate because you process your visions through your belief systems before you speak it or put in into words
To help keep yourself clear, focused and integrated, practice the following energy exercise daily.
  • Start with your feet together;
  • Place the thumb of each hand on the baby fingernail of each hand (looks like the Boy Scout/Girl Scout salute);
  • Place the 3 fingers of each hand on your forehead;
  • Bring you feet apart and keep them apart;
  • Take your hands off of your forehead and massage below your clavicle (collar) bone, close to the midline of the body;
  • When you take a deep cleansing breath or feel that you are done, bring your feet together;
  • The exercise is complete.
Doing this exercise will integrate the right and left side of the brain and body, allow for a cross-patterning energy flow, thus making you electrical and also rebalance the polarity in our body. It is like putting in fresh batteries!

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